"A living spine supports the body and nourishes the brain"

- Dr Tat Loo, Chiropractor (Mosgiel)
Dr Tat Loo, Chiropractor

Dr Tat Loo, Living Spine Chiropractor

Dunedin's longest serving chiropractor and Mosgiel local, at your service.

A living spine livens up both body and brain with vital health giving signals.

Small disturbances from the spine might cause you only slight, occasional annoyance that you try to ignore.   Or they might escalate into far greater problems, wear and tear, suffering, stress and impaired performance.  

For your long term well being, Dr Loo is committed to looking after your living spine as soon as possible.   You'll know too many good people who have waited months or years too long.   

Since 2007 Dr Loo has cared for thousands of Dunedin and Mosgiel locals of all ages.   Applying his wealth of hands-on clinical experience Dr Loo has developed a complete “head to toes” chiropractic adjusting method.  He respects time honoured chiropractic principles for lifetime well being and performance.  No pharmaceutical drugs, no surgery.  Just trust in the inherent intelligent healing power of the body when body, brain and spine are returned to friendly functional alignment with each other.

You and the people you care most about can benefit from Dr Loo's time tested clinical expertise by booking an appointment today.

Dr Loo also holds a Master of Pain Medicine from the Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health, NSW.  He frequently manages tough cases of recurring chronic, complex, occupational or sporting pain and discomfort. 

Don't wait to care for your living spine.  You only get one - and there are no replacements available at any price.
more info + patient congratulations
Book an Appointment
Mosgiel Chiropractic Clinic

Mosgiel Clinic

Mosgiel Chiropractic & Wellbeing
92 Gordon Road
(Beside Bridgestone Tyres)

Do you:

Want to improve your overall well being through spine and posture.
Need to manage frequent stress or overwork.
Feel recurring discomfort, stiffness or niggles you want cleared out.
Suffer from acute, chronic or occupational pain or limitation.
Cope with previous injury, post-concussion or whiplash associated syndromes.
Struggle with repetitive strain, overuse or long term wear and tear.
Push yourself as an athlete, powerlifter, body sculptor, gym trainer, yoga practitioner or martial artist.
Wish to improve your walking, running, cycling or swimming.
Rely on your body and spine for work, home or hobbies.
Want an easier pregnancy or post-partum recovery.
Notice that walking is more difficult and you are slowing down.
Want to excel as a musician, dancer or performance artist

What is Chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a traditional drug free, non-surgical healthcare modality first developed in the USA in the 1890s.

Chiropractors have been helping families in Otago and Southland for around one hundred years with expertly performed chiropractic adjustments to encourage brain, spine and postural well being.

The chiropractic goal is a well-adjusted spine and body structure. A living spine supports the body and nourishes the brain. It generates and transmits vital health giving nerve signals and reflexes that your daily well being and performance depends on, 24/7.

Chiropractic care can help you naturally overcome or manage recurring disturbances from previous trauma, stress and overwork, training and sports, wear and tear, and bad posture.

For babies, infants and children, chiropractic care is perfect for improving or settling irritability, pain, posture, and sleep related issues.
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